'The good drawings I do are hardly mine. Only the bad ones are mine for they are the ones where I can't let go, am caught in the Me-cramp ...
That which draws in SEEING/DRAWING is that which I really am, but which I cannot possibly define and label. It simply defines itself by the way it draws. SEEING/DRAWING therefore is an impossible effort as long as the ego tries to force it. Once the ego lets go, it becomes effortless.
Emerson deflates the pseudo-originality the ego strains for: "What you are speaks so loudly, I can't hear what you say." A Zen sage has said: "You are putting a head on top of the one you already have ..."
In the bad drawings the parts remain parts. But good or bad, once a drawing is finished it should be forgotten. After all, it is only a fossil of experience - a fossil, however, that at any time can be resurrected by any eye that is sufficiently awake to follow the lines as process, to sense that a DRAWING IS NOT A THING BUT AN ACT.'
- Frederick Franck's the Zen of Seeing SEEING/DRAWING as meditation
Frederick Franck, from Moments of Seeing