MFA 2004, Yale School of Art * BFA Painting 1999, UT Austin
San Marcos, Texas 78666
! look for in-between, transitional spaces; how everything is changing over time; and the momentum and speed of motion. Each increment of time is always becoming another. The troughs of the waves in my paintings depict, in their directional shifts, flowing states like this.
We can’t stop time, despite our attempts, and our attachment to photos misleads us in this. We can so easily separate out an ideal image, the ideal memory, the best frame in a photographic space, arrested and fixed. But that image and memory originated in a flurry of connected gestures, the movement of bodies, the speaking of words and sounds, and remains attached to all that came before and after. Film stills and time lapse begin to show us all we miss. And an element like the wind touches each frame, creating so many incremental differences.
I use embroidery floss and thread to slow my loosely diagrammatic marks that wind across the canvas. What would take seconds with a brush or marker takes longer when, in fragments, it is stitched. The lines are felt, explored and spatial, reliefed. The loops depict, and become, units of motion, showing constant movement even within the static space of a painting.
I want to reveal images that come together and fall apart - more like in life.
Like sitting and watching the light change.
MFA 2004, Yale School of Art * BFA Painting 1999, UT Austin
San Marcos, Texas 78666